968 research outputs found

    The Dilemma of the Natural Law

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    Pada dasarnya nelayan penyelam tradisional yang sering disebut dengan nelayan kompresor yaitu penyelam yang menggunakan peralatan sangat terbatas. Potensi bahaya dapat dilihat juga dari perilaku nelayan yang bekerja tanpa memperhatikan aspek keselamatan (safety diving), keluhan yang sering terjadi antara lain rasa kesemutan pada daerah persendihan, gatal, keluar darah dari hidung bahkan dapat terjadi kelumpuhan (Navisah,2016). Metode yang digunakan dalam Penelitian ini ialah deskriptif dengan pendekatan survey pada 40 orang penyelam tradisional yang juga berprofesi sebagai nelayan di Kampung Simueng, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe yang dilaksanakan selang bulan Mei 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gejala ringan 35 % dan berat 27 % . Gejala ringan dialami berupa nyeri sendi, gatal– gatal, timbul bercak darah pada kulit dan kesemutan, adapun selain itu gejala berat yang dialami responden berupah pecah pembuluh darah, lumpuh, dan tuli. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian yakni sebagian responden mengalami gangguan akibat penyelaman, hal tersebut diakibatkan karena penyelam tidak mengikuti aturan serta standar penyelaman yang baik dan menurut para nelayan mereka belum pernah mendapatkan materi/penyuluhan tentang standar penyelaman oleh karena itu pelulis menyarankan kepada Pemerintah Daerah untuk menyelenggarakan pelatihan standar penyelaman kepada para Nelayan tersebut

    Analisa Performansi Sistem Komunikasi Single-Input Multiple-Output Pada Lingkungan Indoor Menggunakan WARP

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    Dalam sistem komunikasi nirkabel, salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah multipath fading. Hal ini mengakibatkan level daya yang bervariasi pada penerima sehingga terjadi outage ketika mengalami fading. Dalam lingkungan indoor, hal ini lebih sering terjadi karena hampir tidak ada line-of-sight antara pemancar dan penerima. Efek kanal multipath bisa diatasi dengan sistem komunikasi SIMO (Single-Input Multiple-Output). Sinyal yang diterima diolah menggunakan beberapa metode seperti Selection dan Maximal Ratio Combining dengan jumlah antena di penerima lebih dari satu. Implementasi juga bisa dilakukan pada WARP (Wireless Open-Access Research Platform) yang merupakan salah satu jenis SDR (Software Defined Radio). Modul tersebut digunakan sebagai pemancar dan penerima pada pengukuran kualitas performansi SIMO pada lingkungan indoor dengan metode-metode combining. Hasil unjuk kerja dibandingkan terhadap sistem SISO (Single-Input Single-Output). Hasil dari implementasi dan pengukuran pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa, dalam lingkungan indoor pada kondisi tertentu, sistem SIMO dengan metode selection combining memiliki diversity gain 2.3–2.5 dB, sedangkan maximal ratio combining memiliki diversity gain 2.5–4.6 dB lebih baik daripada SISO pada kondisi BER

    Size Structure, Growth Pattern, and Condition Factor of Red Lolosi Fish (Caesio Chrysozona, Cuvier, 1830) From the Bay of Ratatotok Subdistrict, Southeast Minahasa Tenggara District

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    The research was conducted in December 2016 in Totok Bay, Ratatotok Subdistrict, with the aim to know the size structure, growth pattern and condition factor of red lolosi fish (Caesio chrysozona). It is expected that this research can provide basic information to monitor the presence of these fish in the future, especially in the territorial waters of Ratatotok. The name of red lolosi fish is a local name in North Sulawesi. Fish with the scientific name Caesio chrysozona is commonly found around the coral reefs and shallow rocky coastal waters. Data were collected in the field by taking a random sample of fish from the catch of fishermen who are still in a fishing boat. The number of fish samples taken to be analyzed were 66. Based on the measurement of 66 individuals of red lolosi, the structure size is as follows: male (51 head) with total length of 180 mm - 259 mm, length of fork 153 mm - 216 mm, and raw length 135mm - 200 mm. While body weight ranges from 71.38 gr - 217.18 grams and females (15 fish) with a total length range of 196 mm - 243 mm, fork length of 165 mm - 209 mm, and standard length of 149 mm - 185 mm. While body weight ranges from 110.22 gr - 193.99 gr. The growth pattern of red lolosi fish both male and female is a negative allometric growth pattern (b <3) where the length of fish increase faster than weight gain. The condition factor of each individual male and female varies with the value of the male condition factor ranging from 0.8094 - 1.2547 and females ranged from 0.9668 to 1.0281. Because the value of K ranged 1 then the conclusion is that male and female of red lolosi fish have a less flat shape. This causes the loss of weight of fish due to the influence of food, age, sex and gonad maturity

    Size Structure, Growth Pattern, And Condition Factor Of Red Lolosi Fish (Caesio chrysozona, Cuvier, 1830) From The Bay Of Ratatotok Subdistrict, Southeast Minahasa Tenggara District

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    The research was conducted in December 2016 in Totok Bay, Ratatotok Subdistrict, with the aim to know the size structure, growth pattern and condition factor of red lolosi fish (Caesio chrysozona). It is expected that this research can provide basic information to monitor the presence of these fish in the future, especially in the territorial waters of Ratatotok. The name of red lolosi fish is a local name in North Sulawesi. Fish with the scientific name Caesio chrysozona is commonly found around the coral reefs and shallow rocky coastal waters. Data were collected in the field by taking a random sample of fish from the catch of fishermen who are still in a fishing boat. The number of fish samples taken to be analyzed were 66. Based on the measurement of 66 individuals of red lolosi, the structure size is as follows: male (51 head) with total length of 180 mm - 259 mm, length of fork 153 mm - 216 mm, and raw length 135mm - 200 mm. While body weight ranges from 71.38 gr - 217.18 grams and females (15 fish) with a total length range of 196 mm - 243 mm, fork length of 165 mm - 209 mm, and standard length of 149 mm - 185 mm. While body weight ranges from 110.22 gr - 193.99 gr. The growth pattern of red lolosi fish both male and female is a negative allometric growth pattern (b <3) where the length of fish increase faster than weight gain. The condition factor of each individual male and female varies with the value of the male condition factor ranging from 0.8094 - 1.2547 and females ranged from 0.9668 to 1.0281. Because the value of K ranged 1 then the conclusion is that male and female of red lolosi fish have a less flat shape. This causes the loss of weight of fish due to the influence of food, age, sex and gonad maturity. ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2016 di Teluk Totok Kecamatan Ratatotok, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui struktur ukuran, pola pertumbuhan dan faktor kondisi dari ikan lolosi merah (Caesio chrysozona).  Ikan lolosi merah adalah nama lokal di Sulawesi Utara, dan ditemukan cukup berlimpah di  sekitar terumbu karang dan perairan dangkal yang berbatu-batu di Teluk TotokPengambilan sampel di lapangan  dilakukan dengan metoda sampling yaitu dengan cara mengambil sampel ikan secara acak dari hasil tangkapan nelayan yang masih berada dalam perahu nelayan.  Jumlah sampel ikan yang diambil untuk dianalisis sebanyak  66 ekor. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap 66 individu lolosi merah, diperoleh struktur ukuran sebagai berikut: jantan (51 ekor) dengan kisaran panjang total 180 mm - 259 mm,.  Sedangkan berat tubuh berkisar dari 71.38 gr – 217.18 gr,  dan betina (15 ekor) dengan kisaran panjang total 196 mm - 243 mm, Sedangkan berat tubuh berkisar dari 110.22 gr – 193.99 gr.  Pola pertumbuhan ikan lolosi merah baik jantan maupun betina adalah pola pertumbuhan allometrik negatif ( b < 3)  dimana pertambahan panjang ikan lebih cepat dari  pertambahan beratnya. Faktor kondisi setiap individu jantan dan betina bervariasi dengan nilai faktor kondisi jantan  berkisar 0.8094 - 1.2547 dan Betina berkisar 0.9668 - 1.0281

    Mapping the spatiotemporal dynamics of calcium signaling in cellular neural networks using optical flow

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    An optical flow gradient algorithm was applied to spontaneously forming net- works of neurons and glia in culture imaged by fluorescence optical microscopy in order to map functional calcium signaling with single pixel resolution. Optical flow estimates the direction and speed of motion of objects in an image between subsequent frames in a recorded digital sequence of images (i.e. a movie). Computed vector field outputs by the algorithm were able to track the spatiotemporal dynamics of calcium signaling pat- terns. We begin by briefly reviewing the mathematics of the optical flow algorithm, and then describe how to solve for the displacement vectors and how to measure their reliability. We then compare computed flow vectors with manually estimated vectors for the progression of a calcium signal recorded from representative astrocyte cultures. Finally, we applied the algorithm to preparations of primary astrocytes and hippocampal neurons and to the rMC-1 Muller glial cell line in order to illustrate the capability of the algorithm for capturing different types of spatiotemporal calcium activity. We discuss the imaging requirements, parameter selection and threshold selection for reliable measurements, and offer perspectives on uses of the vector data.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Peer reviewed accepted version in press in Annals of Biomedical Engineerin

    A genetically encoded reporter of synaptic activity in vivo

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    To image synaptic activity within neural circuits, we tethered the genetically encoded calcium indicator (GECI) GCaMP2 to synaptic vesicles by fusion to synaptophysin. The resulting reporter, SyGCaMP2, detected the electrical activity of neurons with two advantages over existing cytoplasmic GECIs: it identified the locations of synapses and had a linear response over a wider range of spike frequencies. Simulations and experimental measurements indicated that linearity arises because SyGCaMP2 samples the brief calcium transient passing through the presynaptic compartment close to voltage-sensitive calcium channels rather than changes in bulk calcium concentration. In vivo imaging in zebrafish demonstrated that SyGCaMP2 can assess electrical activity in conventional synapses of spiking neurons in the optic tectum and graded voltage signals transmitted by ribbon synapses of retinal bipolar cells. Localizing a GECI to synaptic terminals provides a strategy for monitoring activity across large groups of neurons at the level of individual synapses

    ^(10)Be/^9Be ratio up to 1.0 GeV/nucleon measured in the ISOMAX 98 balloon flight

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    The Isotope Magnet Experiment, ISOMAX, a balloon-borne superconducting magnet spectrometer was built with the capability to measure the isotopic composition of the light isotopes (3 ≤ Z ≤ 8) of the cosmic radiation up to 4 GeV/nucleon by using the β vs. rigidity technique with a mass resolution better than 0.25 amu, employing a combination of time-of-flight (TOF) system and silica-aerogel Cherenkov counters for the velocity determination. One of the primary scientific goals of ISOMAX was the accurate measurement of radioactive 10 Be with respect to its stable neighbor isotope 9 Be conveying information on the age of the cosmic rays in the galaxy. ISOMAX had its first flight on August 4-5, 1998, from Lynn Lake, Manitoba, Canada. It provided 13 h of data with a residual atmosphere of less than 5 g/cm^2 . This paper reports the results of the beryllium ratio 10 Be/9 Be = 0.195 ± 0.036 at the top of atmosphere in the energy range from 0.261 - 1.030 GeV/nucleon using the TOF in the 1998 flight. The high energy results of the beryllium ratio up to 2 GeV/nucleon in the Cherenkov regime as well as the lithium results in the TOF energy range are also reported in these proceedings

    Predicting residue contacts using pragmatic correlated mutations method: reducing the false positives

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    BACKGROUND: Predicting residues' contacts using primary amino acid sequence alone is an important task that can guide 3D structure modeling and can verify the quality of the predicted 3D structures. The correlated mutations (CM) method serves as the most promising approach and it has been used to predict amino acids pairs that are distant in the primary sequence but form contacts in the native 3D structure of homologous proteins. RESULTS: Here we report a new implementation of the CM method with an added set of selection rules (filters). The parameters of the algorithm were optimized against fifteen high resolution crystal structures with optimization criterion that maximized the confidentiality of the predictions. The optimization resulted in a true positive ratio (TPR) of 0.08 for the CM without filters and a TPR of 0.14 for the CM with filters. The protocol was further benchmarked against 65 high resolution structures that were not included in the optimization test. The benchmarking resulted in a TPR of 0.07 for the CM without filters and to a TPR of 0.09 for the CM with filters. CONCLUSION: Thus, the inclusion of selection rules resulted to an overall improvement of 30%. In addition, the pair-wise comparison of TPR for each protein without and with filters resulted in an average improvement of 1.7. The methodology was implemented into a web server that is freely available to the public. The purpose of this implementation is to provide the 3D structure predictors with a tool that can help with ranking alternative models by satisfying the largest number of predicted contacts, as well as it can provide a confidence score for contacts in cases where structure is known

    Differential involvement of trigeminal transition zone and laminated subnucleus caudalis in orofacial deep and cutaneous hyperalgesia: the effects of interleukin-10 and glial inhibitors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In addition to caudal subnucleus caudalis (Vc) of the spinal trigeminal complex, recent studies indicate that the subnuclei interpolaris/caudalis (Vi/Vc) transition zone plays a unique role in processing deep orofacial nociceptive input. Studies also suggest that glia and inflammatory cytokines contribute to the development of persistent pain. By systematically comparing the effects of microinjection of the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10 and two glial inhibitors, fluorocitrate and minocycline, we tested the hypothesis that there was a differential involvement of Vi/Vc and caudal Vc structures in deep and cutaneous orofacial pain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Deep or cutaneous inflammatory hyperalgesia, assessed with von Frey filaments, was induced in rats by injecting complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) into the masseter muscle or skin overlying the masseter, respectively. A unilateral injection of CFA into the masseter or skin induced ipsilateral hyperalgesia that started at 30 min, peaked at 1 d and lasted for 1-2 weeks. Secondary hyperalgesia on the contralateral site also developed in masseter-, but not skin-inflamed rats. Focal microinjection of IL-10 (0.006-1 ng), fluorocitrate (1 μg), and minocycline (0.1-1 μg) into the ventral Vi/Vc significantly attenuated masseter hyperalgesia bilaterally but without an effect on hyperalgesia after cutaneous inflammation. Injection of the same doses of these agents into the caudal Vc attenuated ipsilateral hyperalgesia after masseter and skin inflammation, but had no effect on contralateral hyperalgesia after masseter inflammation. Injection of CFA into the masseter produced significant increases in N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor NR1 serine 896 phosphorylation and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) levels, a marker of reactive astrocytes, in Vi/Vc and caudal Vc. In contrast, cutaneous inflammation only produced similar increases in the Vc.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results support the hypothesis that the Vi/Vc transition zone is involved in deep orofacial injury and suggest that glial inhibition and interruption of the cytokine cascade after inflammation may provide pain relief.</p